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About Us!

Swami Tejomayananda said that we have learn the art of living, but alongside we need to learn the art of leaving. That is the focus of the stage of life called Vanaprastha.
What is Vanaprastha Ashrama. Mans life is divided into four quarters. Brahmacharya, Grahastha, Vanaprastha and Sannyaasa. Brahmacharya is dedicated to discipline and studies, Grahasta to Married life and enriching the Society, Vanaprastha is for preparation so that by 75 years old one become detached enough to renounce all and take sannyaasa. When does one move to Vanaprastha. When one see his grandchild or when his children are matured enough to take care of themselves, he can start to move to Vanaprastha Stage. What should one do in Vanaprastha Stage. If one still have the energy or desire to continue working, then he should continue working but instead of doing it for himself or for his family, he should now do it for the Society. Also as we have to leave every belonging, even our body when we die and take with us only the KNOWLEDGE and the Merits (Punyam) and Demerits (Pavam) of the Karma that we did, we should use the remaining time to gain the knowledge of the Self. This is Brahma Vidya. In the early years, we have been so engaged in worldly pursuits that we have hardly gained any spiritual insights of the purpose of this life Lets make the best of the remaining years.